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國中生物之顯微世界The Biological Microscope World
  • 國中生物之顯微世界The Biological Microscope World
  • 暑假 V

  • 生物 C

  • 週六

  • 2024/08/03~2024/08/03

  • 09:30~16:30

  • 2024/04/12 12:00

  • VCJ113109

  • 額滿

  • 1400

  • 1260

  • 國中 J

  • 8

  • 實驗組

  • 0hr


顯微鏡的發明可追溯至 16 世紀末,這麼長顯微鏡的發明可追溯至 16 世紀末,這麼長時間的演進人類可觀察到的尺度也越來越小,讓我們來認識及操作常見的顯微鏡,並觀察一下微觀世界中生物體美麗的構造。時間的演進人類可觀察到的尺度也越來越小,讓我們來認識及操作常見的顯微鏡,並觀察一下微觀世界中生物體美麗的構造。



8/3(六) 09:30-16:30




The Biological Microscope World 

1. Microscope Operation: learning how to use microscopes, using the microscope to magnify the field of view by up to 400 times.
2. Observing Microorganisms in Water: discovering the vibrant miniature world within a drop of water, and its own unique ecosystem.

1. 操作顯微鏡: 認識及學習顯微鏡的使用,透過常見的顯微鏡,瞧瞧放大400倍的視野

2. 觀察水中小生物: 一花一世界、一沙一天堂,一滴水中也有生意盎然的小小世界


The Biological Microscope World 

1. Microscope Operation: learning how to use microscopes, using the microscope to magnify the field of view by up to 400 times.
2. Observing Microorganisms in Water: discovering the vibrant miniature world within a drop of water, and its own unique ecosystem.






The Biological Microscope World 

1. Microscope Operation: learning how to use microscopes, using the microscope to magnify the field of view by up to 400 times.
2. Observing Microorganisms in Water: discovering the vibrant miniature world within a drop of water, and its own unique ecosystem.

The Biological Microscope World 

1. Microscope Operation: learning how to use microscopes, using the microscope to magnify the field of view by up to 400 times.
2. Observing Microorganisms in Water: discovering the vibrant miniature world within a drop of water, and its own unique ecosystem.

1. 適合國小6年級至國中7年級學童。

2. 本營隊為全日課程,中午提供午餐。

3. 響應環保,請自備環保筷、水壺。

1. 適合國小6年級至國中7年級學童。

2. 本營隊為全日課程,中午提供午餐。

3. 響應環保,請自備環保筷、水壺。
