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冬至美味-茶香圓圓 Winter Delight-Lei Cha & Rice Balls
  • 冬至美味-茶香圓圓 Winter Delight-Lei Cha & Rice Balls
  • 冬季 W

  • 生活科學 V

  • 週六

  • 2024/12/14~2024/12/14

  • 09:30~12:30

  • 2024/10/14 00:00

  • WVP113201

  • 報名中

  • 500

  • 450

  • 一般民眾 P

  • 5

  • 0hr


冬至美味-茶香圓圓 Winter Delight-Lei Cha & Rice Balls

12/14(六) 09:30~12:30

December 14 (Sat.) 09:30am-12:30pm

課對象:1. 國小4年級以上學員1人可單獨上課 2. 國小3年級以下可有家長1位陪伴(僅1份材料)


擂茶是一道富有傳統文化意義的美食,湯圓的圓形形狀則是象徵著團聚。 擂茶與湯圓的結合不僅豐富了味覺體驗,也增強了慶祝的氛圍。 在享用擂茶的同時,也能品嚐自製湯圓團子,讓你在這天感受到濃濃的幸福。

Lei Cha has its rich traditional cultural significance, while the round shape of riceballs symbolizes reunion. The combination not only enriches the taste experience but also enhances the festive atmosphere. Enjoy Lei Cha with riceballs which allows you to feel a deep sense of happiness on this day.

1. Course Brief Introduction

2. Homemade Riceballs

3. Lei Cha Experience

4. Cleaning and Tidying


1. 課程步驟及工具介紹

2. 自製湯圓團子

3. 擂茶體驗

4. 器具清洗及教室整理


1. 了解擂茶來源及體驗擂茶。

2. 了解米的特性及手做湯圓團子

3. 善用資源與創意,製作衛生、 安全、營養及環保的餐點。

1a-IV-2 展現自己的興趣與多元能力,接納自我,以促進個人成長。

家 Ab-Ⅳ-2 飲食的製備與創意運用。

C2 人際關係與團隊合作。

1. The course includes hands-on activities. If you have any questions during practical sessions, please feel free to ask the course instructors.

2. The course fee does not cover the admission ticket of NTSEC.

3. If the course fails to meet the minimum enrollment requirements, you will be notified of the cancellation via phone or email. Please ensure that your contact information is accurate and up-to-date.

4. If the course meets the minimum enrollment requirements, a reminder email will be sent 3 days before the start of the course. Please check your email regularly.

5. The course outline provided in the registration is tentative and subject to change. NTSEC reserves the right to adjust the course content and venue.


1. 課程包含實作活動,實際操作有疑問時請詢問課程老師或助教。

2. 本次費用不含常設展門票,如需參觀請自行購票。

3. 課程若未達開班門檻,將會以電話或e-mail通知關班,請務必留下正確可聯繫之聯絡資料。

4. 當課程達開班門檻時,將於開課前3天發送開課提醒e-mail,再請留意收取信件。

5. 報名所載之課程大綱皆為預定教學之主軸及內容,本館保有調整上課內容及場地之權力。

6. 如有相關問題請洽02-6610-1234#5698 聶小姐。

1. The course includes hands-on activities. If you have any questions during practical sessions, please feel free to ask the course instructors.

2. The course fee does not cover the admission ticket of NTSEC.

3. If the course fails to meet the minimum enrollment requirements, you will be notified of the cancellation via phone or email. Please ensure that your contact information is accurate and up-to-date.

4. If the course meets the minimum enrollment requirements, a reminder email will be sent 3 days before the start of the course. Please check your email regularly.

5. The course outline provided in the registration is tentative and subject to change. NTSEC reserves the right to adjust the course content and venue.


1. 課程包含實作活動,實際操作有疑問時請詢問課程老師或助教。

2. 本次費用不含常設展門票,如需參觀請自行購票。

3. 課程若未達開班門檻,將會以電話或e-mail通知關班,請務必留下正確可聯繫之聯絡資料。

4. 當課程達開班門檻時,將於開課前3天發送開課提醒e-mail,再請留意收取信件。

5. 報名所載之課程大綱皆為預定教學之主軸及內容,本館保有調整上課內容及場地之權力。

6. 如有相關問題請洽02-6610-1234#5698 聶小姐。
